Beneficiaries & Partners

The New York Financial Educators Council teams up with diverse community stakeholders toward one shared objective: helping people work toward economic empowerment. Along with our key collaborators, we increase access to high-quality financial education and develop programs for your neighbors and community members.

Our beneficiary organizations and partners, who are committed to financial well-being in communities around the globe, are directly supported by our team’s efforts and dedication.

Advocacy Partners

Partners of the Council have demonstrated their commitment to assist the campaign across New York in a variety of ways. We appreciate their helpful support to promote the financial wellness movement.

The Basketball League

The Basketball League

The Basketball League (TBL) is dedicated to delivering a World Class Professional Basketball experience to our community, our fans, and our business partners, with the following mission:

  • Provide communities with a professional basketball team that gives an affordable/quality family entertainment experience.
  • Offer support and encouragement to local communities through engagement in school and group appearances, youth camps, clinics, and non-profit organizations.
  • Afford basketball players the opportunity to make a living playing the game they love, in America.
  • Procure local individuals or groups an opportunity to own a professional sports business. Provide a relatively low cost barrier to entry and a proven game plan to success, with a return on their investment while positively impacting their region.

Beneficiary Groups

The movement to promote financial wellness still operates at the grassroots level and our beneficiary groups are key to delivering training to individuals across the state. These beneficiary groups have received in-kind donations and support from the Council to empower the people they serve with financial literacy education.

Prosperity Nation

Prosperity Nation

Prosperity Nation offers community based Financial Literacy classes. Our Community is primarily comprised of low income and socio-economically under-served populations. The Prosperity Nation curriculum focuses upon behavioral science and is designed to encourage applying the information learned over a sustained period, producing life changing outcomes. Our approach is curated in neuroscience.

Abraham Lincoln Intermediate School

Abraham Lincoln Intermediate School

The Magnet School of Innovation and Leadership seeks to educate and prepare our students to be leaders now and in their future endeavors. We believe that Having a sound foundation in financial literacy is important for future growth and development.

Fordham University

Fordham University

We are a large urban university located in the Bronx and Mahattan in New York City.

Pine Bush AOF Inc

Pine Bush AOF Inc

Pine Bush High School is a public high school in Orange County, NY. Our Business Education Department offers two personal finance courses. We serve a diverse student body, and we are a Title 1 school. Currently, we employ two full time Businness Educationt teachers, and they collectively teach 10 half year sections of personal finance oriented courses.

Fallsburg Junior Senior High School

Fallsburg Junior Senior High School

The Fallsburg Junior-Senior High School serves approximately 600 students in grades 7 – 12 in a welcoming, safe environment. The program in the junior high school, grades 7 and 8, allows our students to become academically and socially prepared for the rigors of high school. All programs and materials are aligned to the Common Core standards. In addition to classes, the junior high students participate in both the OLWEUS and PBIS programs.

YWCA of the City of New York

YWCA of the City of New York

The YWCA of the City of New York (YW-NYC) works provides leadership and advocacy training for young women, and after-school programming for elementary and middle school students in culturally diverse communities. The YWCA NYC provides a safe and supportive space for the young people of our city. YWCA students engage in programming where they can reach for their dreams, learn to become agents of change in their own communities, and get exposed to opportunities and careers to break the cycle of poverty.

God’s Blessings Plan (Non-profit)

God’s Blessings Plan

Our mission is to show the love and compassion of Christ to our local communities through strategic outreaches and programs, designed to meet needs and leave people with a sense of love and dignity


The vision is to be a beacon of light, hope and equality for the under-served and underrepresented throughout the world.


God’s Blessings Plan embodies five core values: 1. Servant Leadership; 2.
Integrity; 3. Respect; 4. Compassion; 5. Collaboration