Recognizing Local Financial Wellness Champions

Financial Educators Day recognizes those individuals who are working to improve the financial capabilities of people in their communities. This day launched in 2014, takes place on the last Friday of April each year, and has recognized over 720 individuals since inception.

While taking the opportunity to recognize traditional educators, we also extend our thanks to volunteers, financial professionals, concerned citizens, and others who teach financial literacy. All these individuals are invaluable to the effort.

Nominate Yourself or Another Person

Anyone who contributes positively to the financial literacy movement is welcome to apply. Whether you are teaching a class, promoting financial wellness, or actively supporting others toward greater financial education – we appreciate your efforts!

Those individuals recognized will be mailed a thank you letter and certificate.

Nominate Yourself or Another

Past Recipients

Vicki Brackens, Financial Educators Day Award Honoree

Vicki Brackens

Sabrina Lamb, Financial Educators Day Award Honoree

Sabrina Lamb

Nathalie Lilavois, Financial Educators Day Award Honoree

Nathalie Lilavois

Linda Saint Marc, Financial Educators Day Award Honoree

Linda Saint Marc

Blake Vetrone, Financial Educators Day Award Honoree

Blake Vetrone

Social Media #FinancialEducatorsDay

Feel free to copy and use these Financial Literacy Month posts. Tag NFEC’s social media accounts in your messages and we will re-share with our supporters & social media friends.

It’s the financial professionals, teachers, volunteers, coaches, and concerned citizens who are driving financial education initiatives in their communities and are the true leaders of the financial literacy movement. Financial Educators Day recognizes their efforts and commitment.

– Vince Shorb, CEO of the NFEC

It is Financial Educators Day – who was the person who taught you valuable money lessons? Share with us below and be sure to thank them. #FinancialEducatorsDay

Use #FinancialLiteracyMonth (April) as a reminder to revisit your budget, plan your finances, and address your most pressing financial challenges.

National Financial Educators Day is a big thank you to those who are teaching personal finance. #FinancialEducatorsDay

National Financial Educators Day – recognizing those working to improve the financial capabilities of people in their communities. #FinancialEducatorsDay

Thank a financial educator on Financial Educators Day Financial Educators Day - Nominate a Teacher Honor Someone who has Increased Financial Literacy for Financial Educators Day